Dec 17, 2018 Gaming is restricted to adults. If a minor is convicted of underage gambling, they'll be charged with a misdemeanor punishable by fines and community service. In many states, gambling is restricted to those aged 21 and older; in other states, you can gamble if you're aged 18 or older.
Entrance into the Gaming Area

The Golden Nugget has a strict policy against underage gambling. Louisiana State law prohibits anyone (patron or vendor) under the age of 21 from entering a gaming area. Any person attempting to enter the gaming area appearing to be 35 years of age or younger, could be requested to present identification to validate their age.
The ONLY forms of valid ID that are acceptable are the following:
Sep 25, 2018 Security guards are trained in spotting fake ID's as casinos are fined for allowing underaged folks ON THE GAMING FLOOR. They have to be legit drivers licenses or passports. No library cards or student ids. They'll ask you to leave. The Golden Nugget Casino believes gaming should always be handled responsibly. Our Responsible Gaming program extends to many aspects of our company's operation and is a topic employees from every department learn their first day on the job and are reminded of regularly through classroom instruction and internal communications.
Fake Id To Get Into Casino Las Vegas
- State or U.S Government Issued Photo ID or Driver's License (including US Passport cards, and Nexus ID's)
- Passport
- Military ID’s will be accepted as a secondary form of ID, not primary.
- Secondary identification may be requested if the ID presented is of questionable quality or cannot be verified.
Don't Let Gaming Get Out Of Hand
The Golden Nugget Casino believes gaming should always be handled responsibly. Our Responsible Gaming program extends to many aspects of our company's operation and is a topic employees from every department learn their first day on the job and are reminded of regularly through classroom instruction and internal communications. The concept of Responsible Gaming is made readily available to guests by communications posted throughout the casino.
Warning Signs of Problem Gambling
Do You:
- Gamble to escape worry?
- Gamble to get money to solve financial difficulties?
- Feel unable to stop playing regardless of winning or losing?
- Often gamble until your last dollar is gone?
- Sometimes neglect your family because of gambling?
If you think you, or someone you know, may have a gaming problem, the 24-hour Problem Gambling Helpline can help. All calls are confidential.
Problem Gambling HelpLine:1-877-770-7867
Fake Id To Get Into Casino Phone Number
QUESTION: I have asked around, but nobody can give me a direct answer. If you get a taxable jackpot, will an expired driver's license be sufficient as an ID? — Mary P.
ANSWER: Whenever someone wins $1,200 or more, an ID is required for tax purposes because Uncle Sam claims a piece of the action. Thus casinos today require proper identification (such as a driver’s license, state-issued ID, military ID or passport) before you are paid your rightful winnings. Additionally, your identification must also have your photo on it. Your Costco card isn’t going cut it. If you can board an airplane flight with your ID, then it will probably be valid enough to claim your jackpot.
Now if your good fortune lines up a big win and you can't produce a valid form of identification, the windfall is still yours. The casino will photograph you and hold your loot in the cashier’s cage until you come back with some legitimate ID.
When the casino examines your identification, it also makes sure you are legally of age to play. The minimum age for gambling varies from state to state, but underage gamblers will not be paid if they hit a jackpot. In addition to being the law in all gaming jurisdictions, denial of a jackpot to a minor has been challenged and upheld in the courts. If a minor scores a jackpot, his or her winnings become part of the casino’s revenue.
In addition to producing a valid photo ID, you will also be asked by the casino for a valid Social Security or tax ID number.
Throughout my reply, Mary, I used the word ‘valid.’ Unfortunately, an expired driver’s license will be a roadblock to collecting your jackpot. Nevertheless, your money awaits you at the cashier’s cage. A quick trip to the DMV for a license renewal should solve your problem.
Q: Does a slot machine recognize the difference between insertion of currency and credit slips? It seems I win more when I insert bills instead of using credit slips from my past winnings. — Dan L.
A: A slot machine doesn't alter the random number generator to affect the outcome based on cash or credits played. The slot machine program within doesn't give one iota about the source of the money. A dollar credit that came from your inserting a ticket has just as much chance to win as a dollar’s worth of credits that came from your inserting a $1 bill.
There is some computer programming within the bill acceptor, but,it is to validate the authenticity of the currency and to communicate to the slot machine the amount of the currency/credit inserted.
Mark Pilarski is a contributing editor for numerous gambling publications. E-mail questions to